About Collaboration and Coordination of Activities
of Ukrainian Research and Academic Networks Operators
Українська оригінальна версія
Ukrainian original version
February 6, 2004
Operators of Ukrainian research and academic networks
- Charitable foundation "Internet Users Foundation", city of Sevastopol,
representing the regional research and academic network of Sevastopol and
South-Western districts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
- Charitable foundation "International Centre of Telecommunications KS-Net", city of Kiev,
representing the Kiev regional research and academic network;
- State enterprise - Scientific and Telecommunication Centre "Ukrainian Academic and
Research network" of the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of
Ukraine, city of Lviv, representing the research and academic network UARNet
mainly of Western regions of Ukraine;
- JSC "Kharkiv-Online", city of Kharkiv, representing the Kharkiv regional research and
academic network
- "Centre for European Integration" Ltd., city of Kiev, representing the Ukrainian
research and academic network URAN mainly of Central and Eastern regions of
hereinafter – Parties,
stating the goals of
- creation of a national-wide research and academic information infrastructure for education
and science with a wide spectrum of services, connecting scientific, educational and
cultural institutions to a unified space of electronic data exchange with access to other
networks in Ukraine and the Internet and the realization at that of a common technical
- promotion of the development of national information resources and telecommunication
- realization of joint projects and programmes devoted the development of information and
telecommunication technologies in Ukraine, coordination of common research and
innovative activities in this field and also organisation of international
collaboration in this sphere;
- development of a common price policy and organisational platform for the provision
of informational and telecommunication services to scientific, educational and cultural
institutions of Ukraine;
- protection of the rights of scientific, educational an cultural institutions of Ukraine to
acquire high-quality information services;
- influence on forming of State policy in the area of creation and utilization of
telecommunication and information resources, provision of their equitable usage by
scientific, educational an cultural institutions in different regions of Ukraine,
taking into account
- insufficient State funding for the development of the National Research and
Academic network of Ukraine and, in this connection, the necessity of acquisition of
funds not only from the State budget but also from outside as investments, grants etc.;
- high level of prices on the national information and telecommunication market and
consequently the inability of most scientific, educational an cultural institutions to
pay for data communication channels of sufficient bandwidth and to receive
information and telecommunication services of sufficient quality;
- necessity to assist the Association "Ukrainian National Research and
Educational Network" in the achievement of its statute goals,
being guided by
- their Statutes and
- the current Ukrainian legislation,
have concluded and signed the agreement herein constituting:
Section 1. Collaboration in the provision of information and telecommunication services
1.1. Parties pertain their operational independence and rights of Legal Entity according to
their Statutes and current legislation. Collaboration depicted in the Agreement herein does
not limit their individual activities and does not grant the right of interference with their
operational and commercial activities or of making any decisions for or in relation to other
1.2. Parties undertake to recruit new users from Ukrainian scientific, educational and cultural
institutions to collaboration and to connect them to existing research and academic
1.3. Parties conduct regular meetings to discuss current and future collaboration and
1.4. Parties inform each other about existing and newly recruited users from scientific,
educational and cultural institutions of Ukraine. Specifically, Parties will inform each
other about their existing and newly recruited users such as
- scientific institutions having State Attestation and included to the State List of
Scientific Institutions covered by Government Funding, specifically of institutions of
The National Academy of Science and of Sector Academies (Ukrainian Agriculture
Academy, Medical Academy, Pedagogical Academy, Law Academy, Arts Academy);
- higher educational institutions of the 3rd-4th certification levels;
- the departments of science and education of local State administrations;
- operators of other segments of research and academic networks.
Parties, at their own discretion and taking into consideration the aims of the Agreement
herein, also inform each other about the existence or appearance among their Internet users of
- other than mentioned above scientific enterprises according to the Article 1 of the
Law of Ukraine of the scientific and technical activity (put into effect by the decree of
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine N1978-XII,13.12.1991), that are legal entities regardless
of their form of ownership whose main activities are in science and research and
constitute over 70% of their overall turnover;
- other than mentioned above educational enterprises according to the Section 1 of the
Regulation of Licensing of educational institutions (issued by a decree of Ministry of
Education 12.02.1996 #200), that are legal entities regardless of their subordination
and form of ownership who provide educational services and have an appropriate
- non-governmental scientific organizations;
- cultural institutions;
- other enterprises and institutions dealing with information and communication
1.5. Parties inform each other about their pricing policies and pricing. Any changes in pricing
will be discussed by the Parties. By mutual consent Parties may introduce common price
limits for their services or adjust current prices taking into account regional price
1.6. Parties by regular consultations abstain from actions, which can worsen the conditions of
service provision in the market segments where other Parties act and endeavour not to make
actions which limit fair competition.
1.7. Parties inform each other about the necessity of outsourcing. Top priority under similar
conditions has to be given to other Parties.
Section 2. Coordination of technical solutions and development activity
2.1. Parties undertake to strategically act in the direction of the creation of the National
information infrastructure for education and science with a wide range of services.
2.2. Parties inform each other about the necessity of installation and lease of any new
elements of the research and academic network infrastructure (data channels, routing and
channel equipment, access to the Internet etc.). Parties will act in consultation with each
other to consider the possibilities of joint use of such infrastructure based on shared
contributions in equipment, work and other expenses to optimize the infrastructure and
minimize the net spending on its installation and maintenance.
2.3. Parties show preference to projects dealing with construction of their own maximal possible
bandwidth infrastructure in and between cities.
2.4. In case the Party provides Internet services to commercial users it will use separate
channels and address space for the research and academic segment of the network and the
commercial users' segment. These segments may use peering channels.
2.5. Parties coordinate their grant demands and state financial support demands to
development of national-wide research and academic network of Ukraine and endeavor to
create conditions for their common realization.
Section 3. Joining and leaving the Agreement
3.1. The Agreement herein enters into force from the moment it is signed by all Parties.
3.2. Alterations (additions) to the Agreement are introduced upon consensus of all Parties.
3.3. New Parties can join the Agreement upon consensus of all Parties.
3.4. One of the Parties is assigned to be the Depository of the Agreement whose function is
to safe-keep document.
3.5. The Agreement is signed in one original copy only and is kept by the Depository of the
Agreement. The Depository gives to all the Parties the photocopies of the Agreement as well
as alterations (additions) to it certified by the seal of the Depository.
3.6. The Depository of the Agreement is "Centre for European Integration" Ltd.
3.7. Any Party can leave the Agreement giving the Depository a thirty days advance notice
before the date of leaving. The Depository informs other Parties about the exclusion of a
Parties within ten days.
3.8. The Agreement is cancelled either upon the consensus of all Parties' or in case the
number of the Parties is fewer than two.
for Charitable Foundation "Internet Users Foundation"
99011, Sevastopol, Nakhimov ave., 2
Tel. (0692) 55-97-61, fax 55-54-77,,
President |
V.G.Shaida |
for Charitable Foundation "International Centre of Telecommunications
01024, Kiev, Bogomolets str., 4, off. 403
Tel. (044) 253-28-00, tel./fax 253-66-19,,
Chairman of the Board |
V.V.Shkarupin |
for State Enterprise - Scientific and Telecommunication Centre "Ukrainian Academic and
Research network" of the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of
79011, Lviv, Sventsytsky str., 1
Tel./fax (0322) 76-84-05, 76-84-01,,
Director |
I.A.Protsykevych |
for JSC "Kharkiv-Online",
61002, Kharkiv, Frunze str., 13
Tel. (057) 7076-880, fax 7076-700,,
Chairman of the Board |
A.I. Stankevych |
for "Centre for European Integration" Ltd.,
03056, Kiev, Politekhnichna str., 33, NTUU-KPI, building 2, off. 704
Tel./fax 241-6615,,
Director |
M.R.Dombrougov |