CEENGINE NRENs User Workshop
22 May 2013, Kiev, Ukraine
The Workshop was attended by over 70 paticipants from 14 countries, with
majority representing EaP stakeholders in R&D – identified as important NRENs
users by CEENGINE project. The event also attracted government representatives
from Moldova, Ukraine & Belarus. European Union was represented by DG-CONNECT, a
number of selected infrastructure projects (GEANT, EGI, DRIHMS, Global
Excursion) and organisations from NRENs environment (JANET, TERENA, CEENET).
The objective of the workshop was to involve NRENs users in shaping NRENs
future, to turn NRENs users into NRENs supporters, rather than passive consumers
of NRENs services. For this purpose a workshop was organised into 4 sessions,
aiming to discuss the following issues:
- „Background preparation” – a session devoted to explaining the case of
NRENs and research infrastructures now, in Horizon 2020 and to discuss
related collaboration between EaP countires and Europe
- „Meet the leaders” – a session demonstrating the most relevant and
promising, selected projects supported by European Commission, who may be
looking for partners from EaP countries.
- „Local dimension” – a set of presentations showing the status and the
future plans for e-Infrastructure development in EaP region. This session
included an interesting discussion on development of regional network along
the eastern frontiers of GEANT.
- „Challenges” – the objective of this part of the event was to discuss the
role of key stakeholders in eInfrastructure in its development – including
the future ownership, roles and responsibilities, pending issues.
Agenda leaflet, (.pdf, 424 k)
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
09:00-09:30 |
Welcome coffee |
09:30-09:45 |
Opening |
Yuri Yakimenko (URAN, Ukraine),
Welcome speech (.pdf, 50 k);
Michal Przybylski (CEENGINE, Poland) |
09:45-11:00 |
Session I. Background preparation |
09:45-10:15 |
Keynote lecture: NRENs – a primer
for innovation and collaboration (.pdf, 2.2 M) |
Oliver Popov, (CEENET/Stockholm University, Sweden) |
10:15-10:40 |
EC research support to Eastern Europe
now & in Horizon 2020 (.pdf, 1.1 M) |
Jean-Luc Dorel (European Commission, Belgium) |
10:40-11:00 |
eInfrastructures between East and West (.pdf, 3.2 M) |
Marat Biktimirov (e-Infrastructure Working Group Russia-EU, Russia) |
11:00-11:20 |
coffee break |
11:20-12:45 |
Session II. Meet the leaders |
11:20-11:40 |
EU Mega-eInfrastructure - GEANT
(.pdf, 4.4 M) |
Valentino Cavalli (TERENA/GEANT, The Netherlans) |
11:40-12:00 |
JANET experience
(.pdf, 1.2 M) |
Josh Howlett (JANET, UK) |
12:00-12:20 |
European Grid Initiative (.pdf, 1.8 M) |
Catherine Gater (European Grid Initiative, The Netherlands) – remote presentation |
12:20-12:40 |
DRIHMS - Distributed Research Infrastructure
for Hydro-Meteorology Study (.pdf, 3.3 M) |
Elisabetta Fiori (CIMA Foundation, Italy) |
12:40-13:00 |
Global Excursion - New Way to Science Education
(.pdf, 1.3 M) |
Barbara Kieslinger (Centre for Social Innovation,
Austria) – remote presentation |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:10 |
Session III. Local dimension |
14:00-14:15 |
Cloud computing development and service development in Moldova
(.ppt, 3.0 M) |
Valeriu Plamadeala (e-Government Center of Moldova) |
14:15-14:25 |
eInfrastructures in Ukraine
(.pdf, 1.9 M) |
Svetlana Klesova (Ukrainian State Agency for Science) |
14:25-14:40 |
Success story from Georgia
(.pdf, 1.0 M) |
Zviad Kirtava (Georgia) |
14:40-15:10 |
TEPID - Towards Eastern Partnership Countries e‑Infrastructures Development
(.pdf, 437 k) - mini panel |
Vyacheslav Shkarupin (URAN, Ukraine),
TEPID: will be or will be not (.pdf, 451 k);
Peter Bogatencov (RENAM, Moldova),
Regional Connections implementation in Eastern Europe (.pdf, 2.4 M);
Octavian Rusu (RoEduNet, Romania) |
15:10-15:30 |
coffee break |
15:30-17:00 |
Session IV. Challenges |
15:30-15:50 |
NREN users in Eastern Europe (.ppt,
2.2 M) |
Krasimir Simonski, (BREN/CEENGINE, Bulgaria) |
15:50-16:20 |
Users and NRENs - protocooperation or mutualism?
(.pdf, 2.6M) |
Evgenii Martynov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) |
16:20-16:50 |
Future owners of the infrastructure - mini panel |
Oliver Popov (CEENET/Stockholm University, Sweden);
Peter Bogatencov (RENAM, Moldova);
Michal Przybylski (CEENET/CEENGINE, Poland); Valeriu Plamadeala (e-Government Center of Moldova) |
16:50-17:00 |
Closing summary |
Oliver Popov, (CEENET/Stockholm University, Sweden) |

More photos on Flickr.