URAN Network


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Simferopol map

  1. Inter-city communication node: branch office “Datagroup” – Nekrasova St., 9
  2. Ministry of Science and Education of AR Crimea – Radnarkomivsky Lane, 3
  3. Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University – Uchbovy Lane, 8
  4. Tavria National V. Vernadsky University (TNU) – Vernadsky Ave., 4
  5. TNU, Republican Information and Exhibition Center – Vernadsky Ave., 20
  6. TNU, hostels – Bespalova St., 45А
  7. Crimean Scientific Center NASU – Vernadsky Ave., 2А
  8. TNU, educational building – Studentska St., 10
  9. TNU, educational building – Lenina St., 11
  10. Crimean Institute of Economics of Kiev National V. Hetman University of Economics - Sevastopolska St., 21/4